
Hi! I’m Allison and this is my new blog! I don’t know whether anyone will actually see this but I’m going to give it a go. I’d like to tell you a little bit about myself so I’m going to tell you my life story. No, I’m kidding. That would take entirely too long. But, uh, here it goes! So, I was born in Virginia and I’ve lived here my entire life. I’ve lived in the same house for 17 years. Oh, I’m 17, by the way. I have a mom, dad, and brother whom I love dearly. I’m 1/16th Choctaw; which, yes, isn’t very much but it plays a very large role in my life. I embrace my heritage and love being Native American. Onto hobbies, then. I live and breathe music. It’s my rock when I feel like my entire world is falling apart. I play piano, cello, guitar, ukulele, melodica, and I sing. Music is something I will always have inside of me and there it will always stay. I’m Christian but church isn’t a big part of who I am.  I was raised in a church that wasn’t very loving or Godly, to be honest. I soon stopped going after a series of rather unfortunate events which makes me sad but I had to do it. God is still a part of my life but I often struggle with my faith. I have never lost faith in Him but sometimes it’s hard for me to understand why things happen. I enjoy learning new things but school is not something I enjoy even though I am a scholarly young woman. Something that’s very huge in my life is my weight loss journey. I suspect that it will be a very large part of this blog. I think that falls under “Life & Things,” right? Anyway, I hope you learned lots about me and stick with me as I age, learn, and progress in my life. This is my story and I would love to share it with you as new chapters are written!

Love always,
